SAP ABAP Uzman Danışmanlık Eğitimi
ABAP, SAP tarafından geliştirilmiş, şirketlerin SAP’de kullanıcı için özel oluşturulmuş ekranlar tasarlanmasına ve özel raporların oluşturulmasını sağlayan yüksek seviyeli bir programlama dilidir. SAP ABAP, ABAP geliştiricileri tarafından SAP R3 Platformunu geliştirmek için kullanılır. SAP’de ki tüm modüller ile entegre çalışır. Programlama bilgisi olan tüm geliştiriciler için öğrenilmesi kolay bir dildir.
Eğitimin amacı nedir?
Katılımcılara SAP sistemlerine nasıl uygulama geliştirebileceklerini, SAP’de özel raporların nasıl oluşturulacağını ayrıntılı bir şekilde öğretmek için oluşturulmuş bir eğitimdir.
Kimler için uygundur?
Programlama bilgisi ve SQL bilgisi olan, SAP ABAP tarafında kendini geliştirmek ve kariyer edinmek isteyen herkese uygun bir eğitimdir.
Eğitim İçeriği
Eğitim Süresi: 50 Saat / 5 Hafta (Sınıf Eğitimi / Online grup Eğitimi)
35 saat (Online 1e1 Eğitim)
- Section 1 : Introduction to SAP
- Introduction to ERP
- Overview of SAP
- SAP modules at a Glance
- Section 2 :ABAP Data Types
- Character
- integer
- Numeric Character
- Floating Point
- Packed Decimals
- Time
- Date, Strings
- Section 3 :Loops & Branches
- Do, Do n times, While
- If, If Else, if Ladder, Case
- Small Programs
- Factorial program
- Indentation
- Code Inspector
- Extended Program Check
- Section 4 :Structures & Internal Tables
- Over View of Structures
- Similar Structures creation
- Different Structures
- Different structures with Extra Fields
- Over View of Internal Tables
- Similar Internal tables creation
- Different Internal tables
- Different Internal tables with Extra Fields
- Modify Operation on Internal Table
- Delete Operation on Internal Tables
- Sorting Of internal tables ( Sort)
- Searching Techniques Of internal Table
- Section 5 :Landscape & SAP R/3 Architecture
- Landscape Model
- Overview of R/3
- Section 6 :Normalization & Select Statements
- Over view of Normalization
- Select Statements
- Logical operators
- Select Single & Up to 1 rows
- Nested Select queries
- For all Entries
- Join Statements
- Inner join & Left Outer Join
- Section 7 :Modularization Techniques
- Over view of Modularization
- Macros
- Includes
- Subroutines
- Function Modules
- Section 8 :Selection Screen Design
- Over View of Selection Screen
- Selection Screen elements
- Section 9 :Basic Report
- Over view of Report
- Report with out events
- Report with events ( Classical report)
- Interactive Report
- Menu Design
- Message class Creation
- Text messages creation
- Hide Technique
- Get Cursor Technique
- Read Line Statement
- At Events ( control Events)
- Variant Creation
- Transaction Code Creation
- End User access
- Section 10:BDC (Batch Data Communication)
- Over view of BDC
- GUI Up load
- GUI Down load
- Data sets
- BDC Programming
- Call Transaction
- Session Methods
- Section 11:Data Dictionary
- Creation of Data Base Table
- Creation of Domains
- Creation of Data types
- Creation of Views
- Creation of Structures
- Creation of Type pools
- Creation of Search Help
- Creation of Lock objects
- Creation of table maintenance
- Section 12 :Module Pools
- Over view of Module pools
- Creation of Create button
- Creation of Display
- Creation of Sub screens
- Creation of Tab Strip
- Creation of Table Control
- Creation of Save button to update Data Base
- Section 13 :Sap Scripts
- Over view of Scripts
- Creation of Paragraphs
- Creation of Character Formats
- Creation of Pages
- Creation of Windows
- Creation of Page windows
- Creation of Script program
- User Exists Over view
- Cross Applications
- Section 14 :RFC
- Over view of CA
- Creation of RFC
- Fetching Data Using RFC
- Section 15 :ALV (ABAP List Viewer)
- Over view of ALV
- ALV List Display
- ALV Grid Display
- ALV Catalog Creation
- Section 16 :BAPI
- Over View Of BAPI
- Remote FM Creation
- Creation of BOR
- Creation of BAPI
- Check The Status of BAPI
- Super type Creation
- Section 17 :LSMW
- Over view of LSMW
- Creation of Project , Sub Project , Object Type
- Creation of Batch Input Using Recording Mode
- Steps To Create LSMW
- Section 18 :SMART FORMS
- Over view of Smart Forms
- Creation of Paragraphs(Styles)
- Creation of Character Formats(Styles)
- Creation of Pages
- Creation of Windows
- Creation of Page windows
- Creation of table format
- Creation of Smart Form program
- Section 19 :ALE/Idocs
- Over view of ALE/ IDOcs
- Creation of RFC Destinations
- Creation of Ports
- Creation of Partner Profile
- Creation of Distributed sys
- Transfer the data Btw sys
- Section 20 :ABAP OOPS
- What is OOPS ?
- Classes, instances, references
- Events
- Inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism
- Global classes/interfaces (Class Builder)
- Class-based exception concept